Get a coach and move closer to your dreams

Get a coach and move closer to your dreams

“Everyone has a dream! What’s your dream?”

If you’ve watched the film Pretty Woman, you will recognise this famous line from the first and last scenes of the film. The man preaching in the streets is right. We should all have dreams. They aren’t only the stuff of Hollywood movies. You can have dreams too - and make them a reality with the support of a qualified coach.

What is a dream?

Having a dream is simply a desire to make a change and move beyond your current reality. Your dream could be a long-held ambition or a vision of the future that’s different to where you are now.

Dreams can be personal or professional, big or small, physical, emotional or financial. Dreams can relate to achievement, learning, growth, qualifications, people or experiences. Every dream is important and deserves our focus. What is life for if not an opportunity to embrace and achieve our dreams?  

Why do we ditch our dreams?

The short answer is that life takes over, we get stuck in a rut, and we lose energy and focus on our dreams. You might de-prioritise a personal dream due to your responsibilities as a parent, carer, or partner. At work, the pressure to focus on organisational objectives can sometimes make you lose sight of your own career goals.

Whatever is going on in your life right now, try not to ever lose sight of your dreams. Make this year the year of ‘what’s next’. No excuses. With the support of a personal or professional coach you can motivate yourself to bring your dream to life.   

Coaching is an opportunity to consider what’s next

Coaching is not just for people who feel they have hit a brick wall in their personal or professional life. It’s an amazing opportunity to consider what’s next? Discussing the possibilities with a trained coach, and developing strategies to get there, can be a truly enlightening and empowering experience.  

That idea you’ve had in the back of your mind for several years can become a reality with the support of a coach. Your personal possibility is absolutely achievable. It’s super exciting, for both coachee and coach!

Next steps coaching can support you with 

Coaching is ideal if you have a desire to:

  • Retrain or upskill

  • Take the next step in your career

  • Change profession

  • Start your own business

  • Achieve a lifelong ambition

Zest for Life developed through coaching

Back in 2007, when I was working to qualify as a coach, Zest for Life was just a possibility. Setting up the business was made possible as a result of a coaching relationship. By 2010, I had left my job and the rest is history! It was the right decision. I’ve loved every minute of the journey so far.

I remember one of the final coaching sessions I had before I left work. I had decided to make Zest for Life a reality, and the session focused on the question ‘What if it fails?’. That session was emotional. This is normal in coaching and that’s one of the great things about it. Nobody judges you. It’s a safe, private, secure space where you can release all the thoughts and feelings you might not share with anyone else. 

Releasing that emotion at that time was so powerful and helpful. I decided failing was a risk I was willing to take. I recall saying that if Zest for Life failed, I could always go and work in a supermarket (they would have the most beautifully stocked shelves ever!). I’m happy to share that my skills as a shelf stacker have never been required.

Making a small positive difference

I never set out with the intention that Zest for Life would make a million. I think my ego is in good shape. I’m eternally grateful to clients past and present who have given me the opportunity to make a small positive difference to their lives and businesses, enabling people to be even better than they currently are. Those amazing leaders, participants and clients enable me to take small steps to become better as a result of working with them.

Dream big!

“Reach for the moon and you’ll reach the stars”

There are many quotes out there about dreaming big. I like this one because it’s true. Go for it! You can achieve anything you set your mind to and coaching may just help you get there. Share your vision and your dreams with a coach and see what happens.

Am I the coach for you?

Take a look at the Coaching page for more details on my approach and how I can support you. If you like what you read, book a free discovery call and move one step closer to your dreams.


What are the outcomes of personal coaching?


The transformational effects of coaching