The transformational effects of coaching

A coach and coachee in discussion sitting at a table

Have you ever found yourself going round and round in circles thinking about a situation in your life? Maybe you’re recalling a personal challenge or a professional predicament. It’s difficult to know what action to take, how to proceed or who to talk to in order to resolve an issue and move things forward. If this is how you feel right now, reading this, coaching could be the transformative solution for you.

Coaching can transform your outlook

At some point in your life you’ll find yourself at a crossroads, not knowing which way to turn. The crossroads might appear as a big decision, a milestone or ambition you can’t quite reach (do you persist or give up?), as a strong feeling or a need for change.    

Coaching is a fabulous opportunity to put yourself in a safe and secure environment to have an open and honest conversation. Coaching gives you valuable space to speak freely, think broadly, refresh your outlook and decide what’s next. It’s awesome!

Release yourself from being stuck

I can recall times in my own life when I have experienced that horrible stuck feeling. You find yourself unable to move in any direction, glued to the spot. Whenever this has happened to me, I’ve engaged with a coach and all has become clear. Having a coaching relationship has helped me to move forward, knowing the action I’m taking is the right one for me.

I continue to be amazed by the power of coaching and the profound and lasting effects it can have on people’s lives and careers. A simple, confidential conversation with someone who’s completely independent from your life, can be totally transformative. To see my own coaching clients flourish and grow through our conversations gives me such a lift!

Coaching is not an easy ride

When you choose to work with a coach there’s plenty of work to do. Your coach is there to facilitate the conversation and ask the right questions, not make decisions for you. Change will often be gradual and you have to be fully committed to engage in the process and willing to put the work in to achieve the outcomes you want. If that sounds like something you could do, take a look at what’s included in my coaching offer.

Coaching benefits for mental health

Mental health is frequently found to be at the core of workplace, community and personal challenges. While I’m not a mental health specialist, I appreciate the value of clarity of thought and being able to put your personal circumstances into context. Coaching does all this and gives you tools and techniques to help you to move forward with positivity and clarity.

Coaching is for everyone

In the corporate world, there is sometimes a perception that coaching is only available to executives and senior leaders. In reality coaching can benefit anyone at any level - and should be available to everyone at every level. It’s not just people in more senior roles that find themselves stuck in a rut. We are all human. Every one of us will experience mental overload and ‘under-load’, boredom, frustration or paralysis. These are situations where coaching can successfully support and transform people’s lives.

From a coach’s perspective, helping people become ‘unstuck’ is hugely rewarding. To see the difference it makes to the clients I work with is truly amazing. The mental and physical effects can be astonishing. One particular coaching client has made incredible progress, so much that I can see the difference it’s made to their physical being and the way they carry and hold themselves.    

Business benefits of coaching

When sponsored by an organisation, coaching can successfully support employee growth and development. Common coaching situations include:

  • Leaders discussing challenges and issues in a safe space

  • How to take your performance or career to the next level

  • Considering performance feedback and deciding on next steps

  • Problem solving and decision making

  • Gaining clarity and perspective on people issues

Is coaching the development tool for you?

Coaching is a hugely powerful and transformative tool and is for everyone. Working with a coach allows you and your team to be totally open and honest in a confidential, safe and secure setting. Zest for Life coaching is aligned to the individual needs of each person. Sessions are designed to be energising, progressive and provide clarity on how to move forward.  

Book a discovery call with Sally to find out how coaching could make a difference to you and your team or organisation.


Get a coach and move closer to your dreams


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